Media kits - the what, how and why?

A few businesses asked me recently to explain the media kit concept further and what makes a good media kit.

Journalists / feature writers do like to have all the business information they are featuring at their fingertips, especially if they are doing a flying visit.
It also prompts them with features you want to highlight.
From this the journo can find a story and build on a particular angle to produce a great feature.

Basically a media kit is a cd that contains the following as word document, pdf or jpgs files:

Overview of services and or products
History of the business
Sample copy/text - basically 300 words about the Business and or a feature on the businesses point of difference or unique selling point.
Copies of previously run features can be included as pdf files.
Hero shots ( jpgs ) of your business - please rename the files i.e. Gumboot B&B cottages " gum leaf cottage". ( this makes it easy for a jpg to be located for the article )

Don't forget to label your cd, if you can print on to it do so with your contact details and website.

Some businesses these days embed the media kit in their website which is very handy to utilise when you recieve phone request for information.

Its about self promotion without being over the top, information on all aspects of your business will give the journalist an opportunity to seek out a great angle!

And finally keep your media kit uptodate, if you have something exciting happen in your business incorporate that in to your files ready for the next media precence.